Sunday, September 2, 2018

Well one more summer is gone and boy was as a hot one   I hope this winter is not to cold but alas I feel it will be a doozy well what's up with me a whole bunch of shit first off a 

Friday, March 10, 2017

That time is passed. It's over. the rent check what ...

 That time is passed. It's over. 
from the movie wag the dog


Brean: Let me ask you a simple question: Why do people go to war?
CIA Agent Charlie Young: I'll play your silly game.
Brean: Okay. Why do people go to war?
Young: To ensure their way of life.
Brean: Would you go to war to do that?
Young: I have.
Brean: And if you went to war again, who would it be against? Your ability to fight a two-ocean war against who? Who? Sweden and Togo? That time is passed. It's over. The war of the future is nuclear terrorism, and it'll be against a small group of dissidents who, unbeknownst perhaps to their own government, have... blah blah blah. To go to that war, you have to be prepared, you gotta be alert, the public has gotta be alert. Because that is the war of the future, and if you're not gearing up to fight that war, then eventually the axe will fall, and you're gonna be out on the street. You can call this a drill, you can call this job security, you can call it anything you like. But I got one for you: You said go to war to preserve your way of life? Well, Chuck, this is your way of life. And if your spy satellites don't see nothin', if there ain't no war, then you can go home and prematurely take up golf, my friend. 'Cause there ain't no war but ours.


Sunday, March 5, 2017

its not going to work is what she said as she diked up messing around with wax dropping a site for my boys mix tape Drano live and lost  the subsonic beats to the hypnotic vocals comes a mix tape so epic and so grand that ne can not believe he is hearing trig through the momentary of solutions of maidens
Seattle 2017 CBH

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Good day Sunshine, 

Today is a new day or so they say have yesterdays problems disappeared with the hours I don't think so. so what makes a new day so spacial well your alive can't be said for some who passed during the night Sundays seem to be days of new n=beginning's and fresh starts ..

Well today we will say that this is true so buck up Betty's and get the best day of your life ready for the better days that each new day brings

Sunday, March 13, 2016

being a bum why? why not?

I have always wondered, what makes some folks be driven for certain things and why do others maybe not have that same drive, for instance my biggest worry and fear is being homeless I will go to great lengths to not be homeless. I will dedicated all my waking hours to make sure this does not happen.

So let me ask this, why to some it is just not that big of a deal, I know someone no names but I was close to this person and they were not like me  they were not as driven to make sure they had a roof over their head,  it was and is no big deal to them. I had tried to help them or it or singular he out but he did not care as much as I would have like him to care.

I could not wrap my head around how some folks don't pitch in, or help and to be honest we can only help them so much when it is starting to effect my life that is when my help is done.

Not in the sense that I can be their for someone but in the sense I will not let said someone drag me down with them. I know said person has the same life skills that I have not much to begin with due to a way fucked up childhood nothing right about it at all, I don't care what others say they did not have to live with an abusive father and an alcoholic mother who both were basically not around to teach, show, share, love and kindness but this is water under the bridge I refuse to let my past run my now.

Although we may be a product of our environment we are not the end results or mold of said environment, I believe that we all start out good and it is up to us to continue to be good it is so much easier to give into being a piece of shit human being that it is to be a good righteous one the choice is up to the individual not to his teachers or his upbringing.

But back to my question /dilemma how can two people from the same womb or area be so different is this due to our individual mentality or is this due to our bad side the one that wants everything for free no work I will just take what is yours cause i don't want to or better yet no how to earn my own shit,  like I said I have a very very real fear of being homeless but up their with that fear I also have a very real fear of being locked up in the pokey or jail if you must I would rather be homeless than in jail cause I don't like the smell of men being so close to me 24/7 it is not a homophobic thing but if you ask me its not cool freedom comes with certain things  being locked up comes with bad things, if you are one that likes to be around morally corrupt souls who don't give a fuck about themselves or others than hey jail is probably very easy for you if you don't want to work or even fake like you want to work then jail might be something one would consider look 3 hots and a cot what more could your lazy ass want  sleep eat shit all day .long 24/7.

Oh and want a can of pop, not gonna happen your in jail they don't have soda machines any whoos I just don't get it and probably never will. I must expect to much out of the ones I know, cause it baffles me when the ones i know pull some retarded things nothing against mental retardation but if your not then why do you act like you are hmmm maybe something for my next post to whoever reads this madness hey your a better man that I I would be like what the fuck is this no punctuating non writing person spouting off about today   

Peace Love and good tidings to you and your family's'

Christopher Brendan Hughes Jr 

march 13 2016

FoodStamp Dinner

FoodStamp Dinner