Wednesday, December 24, 2014


Christmas time a time of family's togetherness and love, this will be my 5th year of Christmas by myself at first it was hard but now it seems like just  another day i used to love Christmas especially when my son was born and the Christmas times I got to spend with him  after the second year of his life me and his mamma broke up and it was yucky nasty bs time of my life the breakup was very hard for me I did not see it coming and was broken hear ted that i lost not only Dylans mom but her family as well whom i had lots of love fo,r and for the first time of my life felt i had a family that loved me and cared about me.  Yea so much for the fairy tale world I knew me and D's mom where not going to make it we where from too different world and I was like 16 years older than her and she wanted a healthy lifestyle and I was toxic in not only my lifestyle but my unhealthy habits smoking and workaholic and a very intense dude.. Although I knew we were destined to break up i was not prepared for the way it went down TPO carer change loss of house and losing a family that i cared deeply about in one word it was fugly but time goes on and time heals all or so they say it seems to have dulled the pain but not being with my son and relapsing on my sobriety was bad I moved to Seattle after my mom passed i had to take care of her in the throes of demenita. a another story for a different time

To be continued???????

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